8 Amazing Foods You Must Try While Cruising the Caribbean

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Great food is part of a memorable vacation. When going on a cruise, the number-one topic of conversation is the food. The expectations are high for the food courses. So here are some meals that you should try while taking a cruise.


Jerk Chicken

The Caribbean has put its own twist on chicken. Containing lots of herbs and different spices, the chicken is grilled or cooked in a pot. The result is a delicious and moist chicken with a bit of a kick.


Conch Fritters

Conch is a type of shellfish that is often obtained fresh in the Caribbean. Battered and fried, the conch turns into a delicious appetizer or a side dish. It is often paired with speciality sauces designed to complement the subtle flavors.


Lobster Tails

Lobster pulled fresh from the ocean is a real treat. The tails are one of the favorite parts of a lobster for fine dining. This is a dish that few lobster lovers can pass up with the vacation cruise packages.