Hair Dryer-Free Hairdos

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Use anti-frizz serum to smooth down the ponytail if needed, and smooth flyaways with hairspray. Braids - either one or two braided low to either side of the neck - are hot right now, too. Allow the braid and the rest of the hair to be somewhat messy. The tousled, relaxed look is the way to go with this hairstyle. Want natural, heat-less curls? Try rag curlers - they're simply paper or fabric torn into strips. Run a good styling product for curls or mousse through towel-dried hair. Take small sections of hair and twist, then roll around the strip. Tie the strip to secure, and you can either sleep on the curls or wait until they're dry. Finger style dry hair and use an anti-frizz serum if needed. Spray to hold curls. And there you have it - some cool dos that take the heat off your hair.