10 Secrets To Look Younger Instantly

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UPDATE YOUR GLASSES - As our eyes change and our prescription glasses need changing, so does the style of frames. Updating your current frames creates a more current, up-to-date look.

BRIGHTER SMILE - A smile changes your whole face and makes you look more radiant, distracting from areas that show your age. Along with that smile, maintain a positive attitude - blocking negative thoughts that cause stress and wrinkles. Also, consider whitening your teeth. Coffee and other foods can stain our teeth over time, creating a dull look to our smile. Make your smile look bright and young by whitening them with an at-home kit or even visit your dentist for treatments that deliver faster results.

You can always keep a spare toothbrush in your purse.

DRESS RIGHT - Outdated fashions outdate you! As your body changes, so should your wardrobe. Most important -- avoid baggy clothes. Wear outfits that complement your body and help hide areas of concern. Have flabby arms? Try wearing three-quarter-length sleeves. Because our skin tone becomes lighter, duller with age - look for outfits with softer colors to better match your complexion.