8 Hair Accessories Every Woman Should Have

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If you’re going for a straight look, try a concentrator and dry from the roots down to supplement, or even replace, a straightening iron. Finally, to add bounce and volume, consider a pik. These attachments go on the end of your hair dryer and let you tease or comb as you dry, which can add body if done correctly.

Volumizing Mousse (or Straightening Balm)

If you have thin hair that just sort of hangs limply off your scalp, you may need a healthy dose of volumizing mousse. This product will help give your hair more body, life, and fullness without the “crunchy” effect of styling mousse.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you’ve got a wild set of unmanageable tangles and kinks, you might need a good straightening balm. Straightening balm is practically the polar opposite of volumizing mousse, and it works to take some of the “poof” out of overblown hair.


We’ve all had a long, tortured session of brushing knots and tangles out of our hair accompanied by that low and dreadful ripping sound that signals one tangle coming out; and a clump of hair along with it!