8 Hair Accessories Every Woman Should Have

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Before pulling your hair back for work, sports, or for any other reason, experiment with different styles. Some women can pull off a simple rubber band, and others opt for every accent they can get in the form of a puffy scrunchie or colorful headband.

Generally speaking, go for whichever solution causes the least tugging and stiffness around your forehead. It will do less damage to your hair and, just as importantly, won’t give your face that taut Joan Rivers look!

Shower Cap

Let’s say this together three times like a magic charm: stop thinking about grandma! Shower caps are a must, and not just for the over 60 set.

Unless you want to wash your hair every day (and newsflash: you shouldn’t!), you should protect your follicles from water damage when you shower the rest of you. A shower cap can keep your hair dry and natural even as you wash away a hard day at work or a rough night.

Treat these eight hair essentials like you would a first aid kit on a camping trip: don’t be caught without them!