Zap That Zit: Here's How

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Types of pimples you may experience include:

  • Whiteheads, the most common type, which get their name from the white-colored top of the pimple;
  • Blackheads, where the skin pigmentation leaks to the top of the pimple to cause a blackish appearance;
  • Papules, pimples that are red bumps without heads;
  • Pustules, inflamed whiteheads with a yellow or white center; and
  • Nodules, severe pimples that manifest as hard, painful bumps under the skin surface, often filled with pus.

When You Feel a Pimple Coming On

Most of us can tell when a zit is ready to take up residence on our face. There's the telltale redness, minor swelling, tightness, and sometimes minor pain that are just waiting to turn into a nice white-capped disaster. When you notice a problem spot, there are plenty of over-the-counter treatments to try, and some home remedies as well.

Medicinal treatments are plentiful in the skin care aisle of your local pharmacy or grocery store. There are many brands to choose from for on-the-spot emergency pimple treatment. Most of the major brands such as Oxy, Clearasil, and Neutrogena have a formula designed for spot treatment of single pimples. They all generally contain the same active ingredient, such as the common Benzoyl Peroxide that treats the infection.