An Earthy Way to Eat

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Today is Earth Day, and it's a time to focus on all things green. Making just a small change or two, like investing in reusable grocery bags or replacing light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones certainly helps the Earth. But this year, why not help yourself, too? Instead of buying produce at the grocery store from such far-flung areas as South America, try planting a garden full of spring delicacies. Great plants that are ready to grow now include lettuces, basil and other herbs, corn, tomatoes and cucumbers. If you're worried about keeping pests away from your prized plants, then look into natural and organic pesticides. Planting garlic serves double duty, keeps many pests away naturally and flavoring food. Onion and mint keep away beetles. Boric acid kills ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, grasshoppers, termites and many more vermin who want to get at your tender plants.