5 Types of Women that Men Find Unattractive

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While it's great to be vocal about causes that are important to you, they shouldn't overrun your life and relationships. The Freeloader may or may not be gainfully employed, but she seems never to have money or conveniently "forgets" her purse. Or she may feel that her sheer beauty obligates men to buy her drinks. Either way, the sense of entitlement is unattractive and can be really annoying. The Clinger is the lady who's always worried about where her man is - even if he's not really her man yet! After a date or two, if you find yourself contacting him constantly and not getting a response every time, then you may be a clinger. The same goes for stalking and "keeping an eye" on the guy. Give him a little space to breathe to ensure he'll come back to you. Finally, The Flake is the girl who can't seem to show up on time, return calls or texts, or forgets about other obligations. If you flake out on your guy, he's sure to find someone else who acts like she cares.