Sexy Toys to Stuff His Stocking

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Perhaps it's your first holiday together away from your families. Or maybe you and your significant other are planning to travel during the holidays. Either way, these stocking stuffers and naughty gifts are meant to be opened in private - not in front of Grandma! For a woman trying to stuff a guy's stocking, it can be tough to think of sexy, fun gifts that he'll enjoy - and perhaps you'll get a little present from filling his stocking! First of all, be sure he's comfortable with things getting a little saucy as you deck the halls. If he's interested in getting kinky, then go for it, particularly if your sex life has hit a slump in the holiday frenzy. If he's of a literary persuasion, then try some holiday erotica (yes, there is such a thing!). Head over to Amazon.com and search "Christmas erotica" to find titillating titles like Naughty or Nice: Christmas Erotica Stories. Or try the hottest trilogy on the market, the 50 Shades series.