The "Love Life" Diet: 6 Ways to Look Great and Maintain Your Weight

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Years ago, I beat myself up if I gained weight. I punished my body by starving or eating yucky "health" food that I hated. I gave myself mental bashings about how unworthy I was or undisciplined or fat.

The result: I gained more weight.

Not anymore!

Now, when I notice myself eating more...and my clothes are getting tighter...and I feel that extra "pudge" around my waist...I say to myself, "Cherry, you're eating too much. What's going on? Is there something stressing you out? Something you need to say? Or do you just need to control your portion size (or stop drinking wine for a while)? Do you really WANT that second piece of pie?
How's it going to feel after you eat it?"

If I reeeaaaalllly want it, I eat it. But I'm used to my body telling me when it's full and I can always have it LATER if I don't eat it now.
That's a big key...knowing you aren't depriving yourself.

That you can have ANYTHING you want...as long as your body tells you it's hungry.

6. Move Your Butt!

If you think "exercise is boring" or "don't have time," you haven't found the "WOW" of exercise.
Getting in the habit of moving your body is one of the best things you'll ever do for yourself.