All About Acid Reflux

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It is not clear why so many people suffer from GERD, but there are certain factors which may put some individuals at high risk of developing the condition. The lower esophageal sphincter [LES] functioning poorly is the most common cause, where the sphincter relaxes too easily and allows stomach acid to escape. Certain substances may promote the relaxation of the LES and common among these are:


*Tomato based dishes

*Spicy foods

*Citrus fruit juices

*Fried foods

*Onions and garlic




Many commonly prescribed medications may contribute to a weakening of the LES.

*Calcium channel blockers given to treat high blood pressure and angina

*Nitrates for the treatment of angina

*Alpha blockers used to address prostate problems

*Theophylline prescribed as asthma treatment

*Biphosphonates given to treat osteoporosis

*Anti-inflammatories commonly used to treat arthritis and other conditions