All About Acid Reflux

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If these initial treatments don't bring the desired relief, then your doctor will suggest tests which may be:

*Barium swallow, where the patient drinks a solution of barium. X-rays will then reveal a hiatus hernia, ulcers, strictures or unusual contraction of the esophagus.

*Esophageal monitoring where a test can measure the acid level in the esophagus over a set time period. Another form of monitoring can measure esophageal pressure when swallowing is taking place to test if muscles are working normally.

*Endoscopy is a procedure where [after sedation] a fiber-optic tube is inserted into the esophagus and the stomach allowing the physician to see clearly the tissues in question to check for ulcers and abnormal cells. This test would be performed in the case of GERD that develops after the age of 50, or that has other symptoms such as weight loss, anemia or bleeding.


1 The initial approach in the treatment of GERD will normally be a non-drug one, involving lifestyle changes which will often diminish the level of discomfort.

* Cut down or stop smoking; help is available to assist with this.

* Attain and maintain an ideal weight