The Speed of Lite: Chew On This
Today's Diet & Fitness Tip
Take time to evaluate not only what you eat, but also how you eat it. When you sit down to a meal, do you rush through, gobbling as you go, without stopping for a breath? Take a look at your plate - is it a dinner-sized one, overflowing with... Read More
More Diet Advice
Healthy Fast-Food Options
by Rita Chaney Let's face it, if you want to eat healthy, it is best to avoid fast food drive-thrus. But sometimes, you are short on...
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Can You Be Fat and Fit?
In today's world of monitoring everything from your body mass index to measuring your waistline, many people don't realize that you can...
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Healthy Lunch Strategies
by Rita Chaney For many of us who work and want to watch our weight and eat healthy, lunch can be the most difficult meal of the day....
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